twinned with trumpton


A day out; into a traffic jam (I know, I took the car for the first few) and eventually the Ferry. Then a long drag across to EH7 before a quick foray into Craigmillar and Gilmerton before returning home; abandoning the car and back onto 2 wheels.

By this time its scorching; and the pace was slow and steady up thru' Stockbridge and the West End and onwards to Tollcross.

I spent my rather late lunch in the Meadows with her - she's still off this week, bit only today did G go back to school so with sunshine in abundance, house work was on the back burner.

I roused myself eventually and clattered home through the merry festival throng; pausing briefly to grab the boys from ASC; then home.

Meatballs and goulash sauce by request, then onto the bikes to Craigleith for a new camera. At Tollcross I snagged the strap around a handle bar and it plummeted to the ground and that was that....

So new camera to try out tomorrow.

(We also scored some £10 Nikes for Tom)

Then home for stories. We're still reading the Witches; MOTD2 for Tom and I.

Most people were seeking shade today at lunchtime; an unusual state of affairs...!

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