The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The Kelpies

Too close cropped, but I liked the scale of the sculptures compared the wheelchair and accompanying people.

Yes, the sky really was this blue, and yes, it's Scotland!

After leaving Alison's at lunchtime, we retraced our drive back to the M9 and visited the Falkirk Wheel and the Kelpies. CleanSteve hadn't been there before, and when my mother and TMLHereandThere (my sister - I have three!) last visited, the weather was dire, and the Kelpies hub hadn't been built. So today was altogether more satisfactory.

I really believe the Falkirk Wheel is one of the engineering wonders of the world....Here's my description from two years ago

Later, when we were Kelpied out, we drove across country to the village where Helpix lives, and only got slightly lost on the way. Passing Blairdrummond safari park brought back memories of my ten year old self on the 'astroglide' ride. Apparently it is stil there....

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