Went for a walk in the afternoon in Roslin Country Park, but the light was so dull and flat that I wasn't happy with anything much I shot. I do always love a good spreading root tree though, so here's a slightly (!) photoshopped one.
Just saw an ad for 'Now 25 years' (for those outside the UK the 'Now' series started when I was a (very young) teenager and are compilation records/CDs of the most popular hits of the last year/6 months. They must have accelerated the production schedule, or skipped a few, as there are now 71 of these). The 'Now 25 years' is to celebrate the quarter century (omg) since it started. Way to make your average 30something feel old or what!
On the plus side, I won a Christmas hamper at school! I never win anything, so was pretty delighted. Also it's very handy as, being away for Christmas, I haven't bothered baking a cake or mince pies or anything. Now I have them all with no effort (save the ludicrous number of raffle tickets I seemed to buy).
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