I am not sure what amazes me more, the strength of a storm or the recklessness of youth?
Went for a walk down at the beach, only to discover that the recent storm had transformed the beach once again. The terns and gulls no longer have the spit of land to gather on which saddened me greatly as it was always the perfect spot to see 'lost' birds as well mixed in. Then I see a group of boys who were jumping, somersaulting and diving into the little channel, despite (or in spite of!) the signs which clearly state, "NO DIVING OFF BRIDGE - SHALLOW WATER".
I was to an orientation session at the college with my daughter and as a parent, I learned that youth need to take risks and it is part of the development process. In cultures, where they are exposed to danger on a daily basis, they take no risks. Food for thought... On a lighter note, also was excited to hear that we she can borrow camera equipment from the the media department. Woo hoo! Canon bodies with a wide array of lenses...I am drooling in anticipation ; )
Take care and have a fabulous day! I will be catching up with my dearest friend tonight...celebrating her birthday which was in April. Can you believe we live just 10 mins apart?
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