
By Mal49

Lest we forget.

Todays blip is of the Vietnam memorial, and on this day over 50 years ago the battle of Long Tan commenced in Vietnam, and about this time of year in 1967 I was at a party, the party was arranged because on the night the Federal Government of Australia held a national raffle for conscription into the army. It was intended that part of the conscription would be fighting in Vietnam. I have never been lucky at raffles, and this one would demonstrate my consistency. I was an emotional party with my best mate and a friend winning a ticket in the raffle, Both went into the army, Peter spent much of his time using his civil engineering skills building the airforce landing strip in Townsville. My other school friend died in Vietnam. I sent an email to another friend, a very close friend who survived, but was not so lucky. He came home with a mental scar that would last him for 45 years. As a world, we really do need to get better at peace.

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