Keeping my balance

Here I am trying to keep my balance on top of a log near the yurt where I was staying with Scott. It's a self portrait. I believe this is my 2000th entry and my tradition is to blip a self portrait on my blipdays.

Another glorious day in Perthshire. We went to Peel Farm for lunch, a lovely place where you can enjoy local farm food. In there I got a bit sunburnt. We also went for a walk through the woods afterwards. Beautiful sunlight everywhere. It was nice to have dinner outside with Prosseco.  Managed to see some beavers in the evening as well, although no red squirrels, unfortunately... Can't complain about the weather that we've had!

It's been a long journey here in Blipfoto. 2000 days, 2000 blips. Now I think I need to take a break from this, as I have been struggling to keep a balance between work, life and blipping. I just wish days were a bit longer... I love this site, the idea behind it and the people in it as well. I've also made many friends through here, so I've been feeling a bit bad about not visiting any journals or doing any commenting. Just posting my blips takes enough of my time at the moment, I'm afraid.... I may come back in the future, I don't know, but for the moment I do really need a break.

Thanks a lot to everybody who has visited my journal regularly, left comments, stars and hearts. Always appreciated!

It's been great being here and I hope you're all well!
I also hope you had a good day! Take care :) xx

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