
By tnt2005

Linden and the Wildflowers

We took Linden on one of our favorite hikes: Isabelle Lake Trail at Brainard Lake state rec area near Ward, Colorado. This is one hike I must do each summer to get a little taste of paradise. I was nervous how Linden would do since its a long car ride there, we weren't sure how long we could hike before he might melt down and his nap schedule was going to be interrupted. Luckily he took some short naps in the car. We started the trip with a breakfast stop in Boulder at the Walnut Cafe where Linden powered up with bananas. Then we cruised up Lefthand Canyon, which is the steep climbing road Todd will take during his ride in the B-Strong bike ride for cancer later this summer. When we got to Brainard Lake, Linden enjoyed looking around as we got him into the backpack carrier. We continued the hike past Long Lake (which is as far as we thought we might get) up to Isabelle Lake. On the way to Isabelle Lake, we couldn't resist plopping Linden down in a field of wildflowers and taking lots of photos. Linden loved grabbing the flowers and sitting in the grass. And all the passers-by "awwww-ed" at how cute he was sitting there. At Isabelle Lake we sat and enjoyed the scenery for a while. When we were heading back down, Linden took a little nap in the backpack carrier. I am overjoyed that we were able to share the beauty of that hike with Linden this summer!

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