The weather broke a little so time for a walk with Kes. Vegan Jo is on another 50th cruise again funded by her mum who bought her one last year when she thought she was 50! Her husband wasn't sure how long a walk he would get with the 2 eldest daughters looking after him, so i said i would take him out. With all the heat and chicken duties and my mood this was the first day i felt up to it. My mood was still not good but decided I had to push through it. The greeting Kes gave me was reward enough for pushing and the walk was just lovely. We met up with 4 other manic dogs, one being a Portuguese water dog - so beautiful. Apparently Obama has one!
Once home I deflated again, but as FFB was coming for dinner I simply had to push on again! In fact the evening was really good and I didn't have to make an effort, we chatted easily. I made a Brazilian dish which was black beans and yellow pepper with a roasted sweet potato topping. But the sweet potato looked a little dry and once in the oven developed black spots which resembled mould, so potatoes from the allotment were substituted. Once it was assembles and cheese melted on top, I realised it was a vegetarian Brazilian cottage pie! So the very English potatoes were an apt addition considering how well we have performed - I am going on knowledge gleaned from the news and blipfoto as I have not watched a single event! I don't do sports!
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