
Not the place in Sheffield that I used to see as the destination on buses all the time I lived there (and I still have no idea where it is, or 'Intake' for that matter, sounds made up but they're both real I'm telling you) but more the point where I pulled over on the bike, turned round and came home. I just fancied a ride out in the evening sunshine, a look at the sea and to feel a bit of fresh air on my arms and legs. Nowt fancy - 15 miles there, 15 miles back and home by about half eight. Loved it, and free as well - better than any fringe show!

Talking of which, me and my partner were both child-free today so we took oursens into town, waited for all of about 5 minutes outside The Stand and got a couple of returns for Daniel Kitson's lunchtime show - the same thing I'd seen on Saturday but it's a rambling, spontaneous kind of affair and although a few of the stories were the same there was plenty of different material and the interaction with the audience was particularly brilliant during the first half especially, almost worth the price of admission alone. A fiver for 90 minutes - a bargain! Well worth checking out.

And then lunch out down Broughton Street at Educated Flea and home to watch them Brownlees do their stuff.

The Brownlee Brothers

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