The Three Amigoes

These are my three feline babies. I have been wanting to create this photo for a while now and decided today was the day. My siamese Kiara is not doing so well at the moment. She was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year but seemed to recover and was back to her normal self. This weekend she seems to have deteriorated again. I will see how she does over the next few days but for now she is eating well and seems ok.

I was pleased to stay in bed a little later today. With Kiara cuddled up with me of course. We went across the dam for lunch and a bit of shopping and got back home to relax this afternoon.

Just as the sun disappeared behind the mountains I took the dogs for a walk. They were very well behaved on their leads today and we had a wonderful walk all the way up to the main gate. There was no pulling and tugging they just kept a steady pace. It was so peaceful walking along the path with just the two dogs for company. There was a warm breeze coming off the mountains and I felt my energy restored by the time I got home. I hear that there is a cold front predicted for this week so I am enjoying the warmer weather while it lasts.

A short week ahead as we come to the end of the term. I am sure I can make it!

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