Today The Rev went to pick O up from Gatwick (our youngest son who has been working on Athens since Feb and he hasn't been home since....except for my 24 hours Mother's Day surprise!!)

The Rev and I were like 2 espionage spies!!!
J was meeting me at the tea shop as a surprise except I knew but he didn't know O would be coming, I took my Mum she didn't know J or O were going, The Rev got called into work except he was at the airport....honestly I was tripping myself up on the lies for the last few days!!!

However we enjoyed a delicious afternoon tea in Westerham.

Then J, O and I went to surprise K (J's fiancée)....don't think she was that amused at first until she saw O then it was lovely and she was pleased we had stopped by.

Now we've ordered a curry as that is what O has missed the most!!!!

231/366....a chance to have all of us together again for the next few days.....a very contented Mummy here! X

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