Guess who.....
..... came to tea !!!
My family are just great at giving surprises. I was asked if I'd like to go out to afternoon tea yesterday( by my daughter ). She came to collect me at2.30 PM , but I wasn't ready as I thought she said 3.30pm!!! However I was told some made up story about tho' it was The Rev's day off he had been called back to work. We meandered down the lanes to Westerham , parked the car and walked up to the square via the church yard, only to find my eldest grandson J there, we went into Food for Thought and got a table . They were quite happy for us to wait for The Rev. About 43mins latter and 6/7 texts etc in walked the man himself with my " Greek working chef" grandson O who produce flowers for grandma and his mum( such a thoughtful boy/man) . We had a great afternoon tea and there's a family BBQ on Sunday too!
There was I thinking I'd show off my new hose and my crop of tomatoes, but that'll wait for another day.
There were 2 people missing I'm sure J and O would have liked there M and K. but you can't have everything I've learnt . Many many thank you's for the kind things this afternoon ( and always ) A and K , I adore my family xxxx
Happy .... To spent time with the Shirley family
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