Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Team Feather-Leg takes Gold!

Yes, the hotly contested medal competition in Nectar Snogging was held today and Freddi the Feather-legged Fly (family Tachnidae) came out of nowhere to upset the favored champs, Team Bee!  I had to travel to a nearby stadium (State park) to watch the competition and, let me tell you, the fans were going absolutely wild!  Team Bee put on such a good showing but in the end, no one could compete with the poise and precision of this beauty.  It's also rumored that her costume may have swayed the judging a little.  Team Black & Cabbage White Butterfly took things in stride, happy with the silver

And, I am very sorry to report that, just days from the end of the AOG, Team Eastern Pondhawk Dragon has been banned.  I really thought they might be able to restrain themselves, but no...they had to go and eat not one, but several competitors at the arena today.  This reporter was on hand to record  Madame's indelicate burp upon finishing her meal competitor.  

After yesterday' banning of the Great Golden Diggers, Team Red-legged Grasshopper said they'd be participating in today's 1 m jump.  And, boy, you should have seen them all!  It was pretty amazing and I wasn't surprised to see Red here take the Gold.

Only a few more days until the Closing Ceremonies, but still time to join in the fun.  Just tag your entries with AOG and the date.  And find all of today's great events at #AOG19

By the way, thank you so very much for keeping my steely eyed blue dasher on the front page of Popular for so long.  Now, if I can just keep him from eating anyone, he may pull off a medal...

In Monarch Cat news... at least 10 of the cats in my large enclosure have started their "walkabout" which is when they prepare to find the perfect spot to undergo their transformation.  Another 10 are huge and I expect them to start wandering tomorrow.  And that will only leave me with...about 10 more little hungry mouths to feed along with some eggs.  Oy!

Debbi, signing off from the NJ AOG Stadium

And I shall also tag this for Flower Friday 19 since she's sitting at such a jaunty angle...

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