Golden fish

Today's the day ......................... to re-introduce

Wherever we have lived, we've always had a pond.

Pondlife and aquatic plants are endlessly interesting.  The cycle of frogspawn, tadpoles and froglets, the yellow flags - not to mention all the birds and insects that visit the pond are part of our daily life.  We used to have fish in there too - bought with money given to us by my Aunt Nan as a house-warming gift.  They were very successful too.  The little rosy red shiners went forth and multiplied at a prodigious rate.

But then it was decided by the one who knows about that sort of thing, that golden fish were not an indigenous species in this part of the country - and they had to go.  I have to say that I missed them.

Recently, however, with the arrival of grandchildren who would no doubt dearly love to see fish in the pond, the suggestion had been put that perhaps the ban could be lifted?  And today (in the pouring rain) we headed off to the aquatic garden centre and chose a few.  This is them being slowly released into the water of our pond.

I have to say - it was lovely to have them back .........................   

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