Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack


BOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!! I've only gone and bloody done it, today I finally achieved one of my personal challenges and made it to the top of Snowdon. A truly awesome day with some truly awesome people!

An early start saw us reach the summit by midday, sadly the mist was down and you couldn't really see much at the top but the weather had been on and off during the climb so we had some stunning views. The obligatory photos at the summit followed, although you do have to wait your turn with the tourists in their flip flops who cheated and caught the train up. The descent saw us take a different route down and it provided its own challenges with no clearly defined path and a bit of scrambling required. A slight accidental detour then saw us take one of the most picturesque routes to/from Snowdon; where there were some absolutely stunning views! My blip is the view from the summit looking back down to the path that we came up.

After about 10 solid hours of walking in rain, mist, thunder and bright sunshine we finally made it back to the hotel, although we did have a sneaky cider at a café near the bottom. Lush!

A big thanks to the finest team I've ever been associated with, Emily-Jane, Davina, Will, Gareth, Carl, Denis, Matt, Stephen, Paul, Rhian, Terry and Bella his dog, who was undoubtedly one of the stars of the walk! In fact I think she walked it twice, I'm sure she's been resting up today.

The amazing efforts of everyone have helped raise, and still raising, a significant amount of money for the various charities we're supporting which are:

Cynon Valley P.A.L.S.
Crohns in Childhood Research Association
Hospice of the Valleys
National Association of Crohns & Colitis
Stroke Association
Wales Air Ambulance

Our Just Giving page will be open for another fortnight, so if you would like to sponsor us, our Just Giving page can be found here.

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