
By carrot1983

Birthday party

Thomas's birthday party plans all had to be a bit last minute due to Arthur's unknown arrival date. Rubbish weather meant we had to abandon BBQ plans and take refuge in the local soft play. Worked out really well,
Kids had a great time, Aunty Jacky made an amazing dinosaur cake and Thomas has been spoilt rotten by lovely family and friends. Even had some presents that Dad had chosen for him at Christmas but I put aside as he got way too many!

Days like today make my insides ache with how much I miss them - they were so proud of Thomas and Seb and it breaks my heart they will not even really remember them and that Arthur and Jackson won't even get to meet them. I'm so thankful for all the wonderful things in my life - we have a comfortable lifestyle, I have best husband and 3 amazing boys but sometimes I just want to scream like a petulant child that Life is so unfair!!!

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