If you build it they will come.

Gonna need more firewood if I'm lighting up this early in Autumn....(it's still summer Elaine).

A day to remind us to keep family safe, keep family close. An early morning beach visit with a hungover Dave and the dugs, a town visit to get Tess dance show ready with costumes and Sam waterproofed booted up like a true environmental ranger for his work experience and then a wee tea time visit to the beach again for Sam and I. We watched in awe as the river and the tide fought each other at the estuary battleground, wave after wave, carving out a new river bank and carrying whole trees out to sea. I kept telling Sam to stay well back from the edge as the waves were so strong, even though we'd passed some nutter of a woman letting her fully clothed toddler stand chest deep in the river whilst videoing and talking on her phone. And little did we know that as we were warily watching the surge that at the exact same time, just around the corner on the main promenade, a tragedy was unfolding as the emergency services battled to save the lives of 5 people who had somehow been taken from the shoreline. Not a happy ending to that story.

Back home, all safe inside, fire on for comfort.

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