Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2016 Friday -- Smoke

Just before we headed out of the house on our last walk of the day, we realized there was quite a lot of smoke in a not too distant community south of us. The sky was filled with a huge plume of dark gray that was moving toward the north and causing the sun to look almost red and to cast a reddish/orange reflection on the ocean. The realization that there is one more fire burning in California is quite sad.

Earlier in the day we had received a call from our EasyTurf salesman and finally the workers were going to begin the installation this afternoon. One of our goals for this summer was to complete our south-side yard with quality artifical turf and a white vinyl fence. Our reason for doing this is two-fold: to provide a yard for the three pups and to reveal to possible buyers that the vacant lot next door is very narrow and therefore possibly hinder their desire to purchase the lot next door.

So finally at the conclusion of our summer stay at the coast, this goal will be completed. So I am thinking the old cliche: better late than never!

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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