Nora Berghoff

By nberghoff

Holy C***

Sorry for the expletive, but this is amazing!

Now, I already apologize to all the "Northerners", as you will find this silly. But anyone who has spent a significant amount of time in Southeast/Central Texas will understand.

It snowed.

No, not just the usual sad flurries that produce a light dusting that will go away before it is really there.

Real snow.

It started as a light layer in the early morning hours, but continued to snow throughout the day.

Just about 2 inches of it total, but still!! It was actual snow, and it crunched under my shoes! It was enough to get kitty prints, anyway...

I grew up in an area where we do get snow each year, so it is not a novelty to me, but imagine all the Texans, some of whom had never experienced snow before - it was a fun day :-)
And I admit that I enjoyed it too - even having to "dig" my car out of the snow that evening ;-))

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