
By katgirl

Road Rash

Superman had a lovely morning playing with me, frolicking at the gym playroom, even watching the forbidden Disney channel in the gym cafe for a few minutes.

Life improved even more because as we left the gym, we saw patches of blue sky for the first time in days. It has been gray, rainy, cold, awful here all week. Ebullient Superman decided to skip along the sidewalk on the way to the car.

But Superman is not perfect. He tripped and landed on his face. He has been surprisingly tough about it. His initial cry was not very long & he allowed me to clean up his face and apply triple antibiotic ointment (I keep just about everything in my gym bag - thank goodness).

When we went out on errands this afternoon, Bob and I were the focus of many stares. I wonder if the police will arrive soon to question me...

This evening, his face was already looking less red and swollen. I hope it has healed by Christmas. Tomorrow is the long awaited Breakfast with Frosty the Snowman. I forgot my camera last year & am determined to remember it tomorrow. But maybe it would be better if I left it at home.

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