Nailed it.

Discovered a new little 'hole in the wall' style juice café just close to where we live - bargain fresh juices! Usually they cost a bomb here, but because it's not a proper café the prices are REALLY good! Saw Abby this morning & nattered (for over 3 hours!!), then took Asha back there this evening as it's right by a playground. She had pineapple & strawberry - delicious. 

Been a bit of a flat day...I think time with Abby this morning made me realise i've only got 4 weeks left with her on the island, and in the next few months pretty much every aspect of our lives will change. It'll all be good in the end, but it's very unsettling...I think on top of the past year as well! It's been a rollercoaster!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Time with Abby.
2) Getting the flat more ordered. Especially after yesterday's den & extra sheets everywhere because of it. An ordered flat makes my head feel more ordered too! 
3) Playing time with Asha.

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