On the High Wire

You walk out on the high wire...

It takes love over gold
And mind over matter
To do what you do that you must
When the things that you hold
Can fall and be shattered
Or run through your fingers like dust

It's been such a long day... after far too little sleep, had all our Mora colleagues for breakfast; drive to Lisbon; leave Beth at train station; kids at airport; drive to Grândola; stop on way for an explore, finding the most amazing ruin down a dirt road, on banks of Sado river...

So weird to be in a crowded, swanky shopping centre, and less than two hours later, in a deserted estuary, with over 200 storks flying over rice fields. So weird to be relating to three great young folk one hour, and the next, knowing your two are in another country and you won't see them again for months...

Love Over Gold

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