Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice


A late photo.  and a second attempt - I thought I had posted my blip, only to find that it hasn't appeared.

We had a large, late lunch - a lovely nut roast and roast veggies - kindly cooked by W.  We were joined by my dad, and by my younger daughter and her partner (E).  E actually had 4 meals - we will be storing this information away for future use!  My daughter was making a flying visit to see if I could alter a dress she is wearing as a bridesmaid mid September.

I didn't take any photos of the daughter, or dad, or the garden - I spent about an hour watering this afternoon, it is, of course, now raining hard!

So you get a late blip of our cheeses and biscuit supper.

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