This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Blue "closet" that Stewart and I bought during his second visit which he painted. Magnets hold photos of Stewart, of us, and Edinburgh postcards. I just put these things back up today, they had been down and it makes me feel better to see them. The scarf Stewart gave me pops against the blue and I like it when the ceiling fan catches the fabric and makes it sway back and forth. (again I wish I could find my battery charger)

Today I straightened the house again. I did two loads of laundry. I returned items to the library and traded out of one of the sold pieces of art with a new one. I paid my water bill. I went grocery shopping. I got several copies of a magazine that our work was featured in. (Can I just say our... Stewart and my blah blah blah is getting tiresome) ;) I scanned the photos of our work in said magazine and put them online.

I took my dog to his other home and I met up briefly with my friend Linda for a money/art exchange and gave her some of the left over pizza and cake from last night.

A busy day of nothing much at all. Of course I got to see Stewart a few times on Skype. What happens next?

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