Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle


Yep, this is an optical illusion (no Photoshop here) and yes, this poor little chap still lives, after getting both of his wings stuck in some wire fencing:-

A very strange day for me today.

The (early) morning weather was crystal clear so I went out on one of my Infrared Photographic missions only to find that when I arrived by a golf club (Carlett Park) at Eastham, clouds started to appear, testing my patience - waiting for those infrared sun rays to breakthrough. ):-s

However, while I was waiting, a dog walker noticed this bird being trapped at the bottom of a fence after his dog was going berserk. It was a little embarrassing - apart from the fact that I had my yellow hi-viz on & my camera on a tripod in the middle of a road (cars slowed down thinking I was a speed camera copper), I was unable to free the bird as it kept clutching onto the fence & biting me! The dog guy was of limited use due to his over excited dog, which didn't help as the dog's ball was right next to the bird! The bird was becoming highly distressed.

So we were left looking at each other absolutely hopelessly, after moving the ball & several more attempts to free the bird without crushing it or breaking his wings.

Guilty bit: we agreed to leave him & I took a few snaps. I know this sounds bad, but at least he appeared a lot less stressed. PLEASE keep reading.....

Good news: some fellow golfers were crossing the road and one of them offered to help. He somehow pushed, with his gentle hands, the bird backwards through the fence. Dispite the enormously loud tweeting during the ordeal, he survived! No damage. Though he did lose a feather.

So whatever your name Mr. Golfer, Thank You!

Click here for the Bird Trap story

As for the Infrared Photography bit, here is what I achieved in Eastham. Although it was a sunny morning, the wind was a pain - slow enough to keep the trees still, but not fast enough to shift the clouds when I wanted the sun to shine at the right time!


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