A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

Mono Monday 135 :: MM135 :: SMELL...

...ing a hydrangea.

I have been accused of being beesotted with bees this past week or so. Beeleave me I tried to find something different today but you don't look a gift horse in the mouth or an intoxicated bee from beehind.

This guy was busy working on our hydrangea bush when I noticed it kept falling asleep for minutes at a time. Often upside-down with it's head inside the flower. It wasn't collecting it just stopped still. It was as if it was intoxicated by the smell or just plain knackered!

Needless to say the original, in extras, is my preferred shot, especially as it is straight from the camera, no cropping or work in Lightrooms etc. I used my old Nikon D7000 with a 50mm prime lens and 20mm extension tube.

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