...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

Today we beat the heat with a quick trip to Ikea...we went to get Miles a pint-sized table and chairs, and I begged Mitch to let us get him a slide as well. Both were a big hit. Miles really enjoys sitting and reading a book and coloring, and he very quickly figured out how to climb up the ladder part of the slide, as well as climb up the slide itself. It's a great toy to work on his gross motor skills.

A couple little stories about Miles.
- He has been really good at telling us when things are "hot" Although he also said "hot" when things are really cold. For example, my diet coke or ice waters. We will continue to work on his extreme temperature descriptors.

- Our favorite family jam song has been "Pumped up Kicks" for awhile now. We typically listen to it on weekend mornings and have little dance parties. We've recently taught Miles how to "dance" to that song in the car. He points his little index fingers and pumps them up and down to the beat of the music and laughs hysterically.

- He's also turning into a little negotiator. For example, tonight during our bedtime stories, he kept asking to read his book one more time. He holds up one finger and says 'one more'. We went through quite a few, "last times" tonight.

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