Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I've spent the whole day in the studio were the creative lessons take place. Before lunch we had a sewing class and after lunch my colleague taught me and three students how to create with clay. The big one was the first I made... I call it 'wretchedness' (or 'nuisance' - I'm nor sure which is the right translation) because I thought I would have to scrap it and it gave me problems and I struggled with it. My colleague helped me out and now it looks ok. :D I wrote 'eländet' inside it - which is the Swedish word for wretchedness and nuisance. The little one was the second one I made and it was easier to make and the heart was made by the clay that was left. It was fun! Now they have to dry and after that my colleague will take them to a person who has a special oven for burning clay. When they get back we will paint them. So, still some work to be done. Next time we will continue. The other students were not amused, at first, but after a while they thought it fun and are looking forward to next time.

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