A riot of colour

So I now know I need to climb mountains and encounter cows! - thank-you everyone for liking yesterday's Moove Over enough to shove him onto popular's front page.

A productive rest/admin day today, very welcome after an awful nights sleep. After a few hours at the computer we wandered into town. Everywhere is adorned with flower boxes. St Gervais always looks good, but this summer it is vibrant with colour. Lunch was followed by a first - a visit to a French Dr - very straight forward and I managed to hold my own conversationally (in French before any of you get sarcastic....) I'm now certified (stop it) as fit to instruct sports de montagne, another step on the road to having formal French recognition rather than equivalence (temporary work), something that Brexit has made a bit more of a priority.
We celebrated that with ice cream in the sun :)

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