Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Home again and is that autumn approaching?

We arrived at Newcastle Airport late yesterday evening. The flight was delayed due to a problem with the automatic refuelling system. They had to do it manually and I hoped that enough fuel was in the tank to make the journey north.

Mum had stayed up and we chatted a little before heading for bed.

This morning I had a festival committee meeting. Maureen had kindly arranged it to be an hour later than usual. All our arrangements are going smoothly at the moment. Bookings are steady.

I felt fine until this afternoon, when I retreated to bed to listen to the Archers and have a sleep. I daresay that by tomorrow I'll be more like myself again.

This rowan is in my garden. It was a self seedling and I used to try to cut it down each year. It has forced itself into an elegant little tree and produced berries for the first time this year. I decided to capture a photograph in the warm evening light and before the birds strip it.

Great holiday and good to be home again.

Nearly forgot - I've had a short article published in August copy of  The Decisive Moment, the journal of the Documentary Group of the Royal Photographic Society. Here is a Link to it. My article is on pages 74 - 77 and they published some of the images I submitted. Very exciting. It takes a little while to work out how to navigate the journal.

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