horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Sleep Well Mr Birdman

I was going to regale you with a couple of differing tales of interactions with drivers today, but it all pales into insignificance when you find out a friend has passed away.

RJEvans will be known to many on here. At home he was always "Richard. Richard Evans. RSPB Richard" as I mentioned to Mel I'd bumped into him. He had accompanied us on a Pedal for Scotland quite a number of years ago, in a torrential downpour, and yet he was jovial all the way through. He was a true gent who it was always a pleasure to spend some time with, and he never glazed over when I rabbited on about birds. Not a surprise given his background with the RSPB.

We'd recently had messages between us planning to meet up for coffee somewhere near work, after I got the job out at Edinburgh Park, but we hadn't managed to do it yet.

Richard's obituary in the Herald says more than I ever could about just how much he achieved, and how much of a nice guy he really was, and this quote just summed him up perfcectly, "Softly spoken and understated, jovial, perceptive, tactically clever, and determinedly non-institutional, Richard Evans was admired and loved by colleagues and friends - as much for his humanity as for his deep intelligence."

So Richard, here one last eagle just for you, and I'll raise a glass to you. My thoughts are with your family, who I met very briefly a couple of times, who in amongst the sadness will most certainly have some wonderful, happy memories of you to help them through this time.

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