Moral Dilemma

Allow me to introduce Tom.
Tom has cancer, in addition to advanced Alzheimer’s disease.
Up until a few months ago Tom lived independently in his own home and was proud of the fact that he did his own cooking, cleaning, laundry and shopping.
Then things suddenly changed.  
In March of this year Tom had a fall and was admitted to hospital. 
Sadly, he was deemed too vulnerable to return back home.
Tom now lives in a residential care home and, in my mind at least, seems very happy and is well looked after.
Here is my dilemma. 
As an employee of Age UK I have always believed in the principles that underpin our work, including privacy, dignity, respect and choice. So, although Tom is my Dad, I do wonder whether it’s morally right that I should include him in my journal, given that he’s very vulnerable, and lacks capacity to give informed  consent.
I’d be interested to hear what other blippers think about this. 

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