The alternative to this blip was a photo of the plague of flies which has manifested itself in one of our rooms. It's very bizarre - they've appeared in large numbers in the last few days and gathered around the window and the fireplace and then started to die off. When I went in and noticed them yesterday they were crowding up the curtains and window to such an extent that it was just like the scenes in detective dramas where a neighbour calls the police because they think there's a body in the house! Yuck!! Except there's nothing dead or dying (except the flies), there's no horrid smell or rubbish in there. We can't think where they're coming from. I've vacuumed them up (since when some more have appeared) and shut the door and window, and I'll take the room apart at the weekend, wash the curtains and bedding and try to solve the mystery. When I flippantly suggested that the room was a portal to the lair of Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies, B was surprisingly ready to agree. I sometimes worry about the websites he visits.

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