At the Cinema

I had planned to go to Anglesey Abbey for the day today but the forecast was rubbish so we decided to go to later in the week
So we decided to go to Whizzkids instead. 
Then Miss E said she didn't want to go to Whizzkids but wanted to go to Bounce.
Miss L didn't want to go to Bounce. She wanted to go to Whizzkids.
In the end Miss L agreed to to go to Bounce - for Miss E (because she's very kind and a total soft touch!) But then Miss E was mean to her (something about the iPad) so she changed her mind and no longer wanted to go to Bounce.
Oh my God.
Mummy would quite like to go to a spa and read trashy magazines all day but we don't always get what we want do we?!!!!!!!
I didn't want to pay to take either of them somewhere they didn't want to go so we ended up having a lazy afternoon at home, most watching Mako Mermaids.
When one of the episodes made me cry I decided enough was enough and set off to Milton Keynes to see The BFG. After a bit more faffing Miss E said she didn't want to come but wanted to stay at home with Daddy. 
So it was just me and Miss L. And monkey!!
As ever it was a delight to spend time alone with one of my lovely Little Misses. 
We've been listening to The BFG in the car - Geoffrey Palmer reads it brilliantly. I was a bit worried that the film wouldn't be true to the book or have the same feeling. But it was brilliant! We loved it! 
I thought Miss L was going to explode when the Queen, generals and corgis drank the Frobscottle and started Whizzpopping. She was screaming with laughter which made me - and all the people around us - laugh even more!!

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