Tuesday in the Park

The heat has returned. Basil and I caught the bus into Loughborough and got off at the stop by Queen's Park. So many families and children enjoying themselves. The water fountains were in full flow.

I was en route to Cumberland Auto to pick up Murphy after his MOT. I also wanted to take more photos of the wonderful flowers. The displays look exquisite. Look carefully and you will note that they are beginning to 'go over.'

This lady was too busy reading her paper to notice me taking her photo. I could have stayed there all day taking photos of bees on the flowers, but I was on a mission.

We took the quiet route towards Cumberland Road which took us past St Peter's Centre once more. Both Basil and I were hot and bothered, so we went inside. I sipped a refreshing Fanta with ice while Basil stretched out on the cool tiles. He refused the offer of water. 

Met Ann there, who used to be the neighbour over the fence in the 80s and had a chat. She used to exercise her dogs on the estate regularly. Both have died. Now she has a short haired British blue cat, that can look after itself, mostly. That enables her to go away and to take part in activities that she couldn't do before.

Murphy had sailed through his MOT. Bit of chat with Graham, then Basil and I got in and motored over the forest to Sue's. She was upset because the canary had keeled over the day before. At least she had this photo from July.

We sat outside. It didn't feel as hot as it actually was because there was a breeze. More cool drinks and then the drive home.

Both Basil and I collapsed in torpor when we got in.

Choir rehearsal in the evening for the Brahms Requiem, but I have been alerted to a wedding on the day of the performance, so don't know if I can take part.

A golden glow suffused the atmosphere as I drove over the Forest to Leicester. Winding down the hill to Groby Pool, I was suddenly confronted by a magical view. Snow white swans gliding on a calm, deep green pool all bathed in gold. Curses. No decent camera with me, nowhere to stop and the risk of being late for rehearsal. I really needed time to set that up. How much chance of a similar evening tomorrow?

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