Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

Casting Crowns

We are at a large event, Kingdom Bound, showcasing some of the primiere Christian bands around today. We began attending this event in 2007, when I actually won four three days passes to Kingdom Bound from a radio station.

Kingdom Bound takes place at Darien Lake Theme Park, which is an amusement park. Our kids not only get to see many of their favorite bands throughout the day, but also get to ride the rides and enjoy the waterpark when they get too hot!

Today, the kids conned me into going with them to the waterpark when it opened at eleven. They have a favorite "ride" there, called the Tornado. I went on it with them....three times in a row! Quite the thriller ride for an old lady such as I!

After mounting (endless) stairs thrice, my ankle would take no more stair-climbing! I hurt it last week and it has been miserably sore. No problem for the kids! They pointed me into the direction of the Lazy River. This is right up my alley. Lazy River is a very shallow "river" with a lovely current that carries riders along on small tubes. Aside from the kids slamming me into the waterfall and jets of water blasting, it was leisurely. We rode around it three times.

The highlight of Kingdom Bound is at the end of the day when bands play at three different locations. Although music is played all afternoon and into the evening, the big names generally appear later in the evening.

The big headliner last night was Casting Crowns. This is a terrific group consisting of seven musicians. The lead singer, Mark Hall, is pictured. I love their music as does the huge crowd that showed up!

On a photographically-based note, this band is so hard to photograph! Mark Hall is one of those folks that for one reason or another, just is tough. I do understand this, as I know I am hard to photograph as well. (I once saw a photo taken of me at an event in which the girl taking the photo referred to me as an "angel" because my facial features seemed to "glow" instead of "show"!)

After sorting through many, many photos, I did find this one that I liked!

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