
By peterdawson28

Get your skates on!

I think I may have found a new favourite insect species. The pond in my mum's garden is currently alive with these amazing little pond skaters. This appears to be an adult of the species taking a breather on a water lily leaf but there are also tons of young ones which look exactly the same but much, much smaller. The only fly in the ointment (so to speak) at the moment is that the pond is in shadow for most of the day and I don't have my tripod with me so photography is a bit tricky. I think there is a short period in the late morning when some sun should hit the water in at least one corner, so tomorrow I'll stake it out in an attempt to bring you a better blip. A big thank you to everyone for all the stars, hearts and kind comments about my recent shots - I promise to get back to proper replying and proper return visiting soon.

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