In My Life...

By steeble

The little things in life....

Last nights blip was uploaded about 12:30am so if you missed it please have a little look: All Sparks will burn out......

This morning my mate Michael came over to sort the cabling out for putting Sky in the bedrooms. He also cleaned out the guttering for me..... I'm not too fond of heights. Me and Michael have been mates for roughly 10 year now. We used to work together behind a bar, it was there that he met Lucy. They make a great couple, they have two kids.... Tom and Olly. Great kids.... I've not met many children their age who have so much personality.

When Michael had finished working he asked if me and Rachel would like to meet them at Beamish Museum for the afternoon. Its been a funny day. Funniest thing that was said was while we were on the tram and Tom was talking about a cut Olly's leg and dramatically said 'There's blood everywhere'... when I seen the mark.... It was the slightest scratch I've ever seen. Barely broke the skin and was no more than 1cm long.

Brilliant day out with some really good friends. In the picture....

Top is Olly(after running away)
Bottom Left is Lucy and Tom(laughing at Olly running away)
Bottom Right is Michael and Tom(walking back to the village holding hands)

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