
Today's the day ........................ for a magic trick

We were sitting in a part of the garden this afternoon that is normally only visited to hang out washing.

It's where the rotary clothes line is - tucked out of sight next to the big buddleia bush - oh, and the yucca plant.  The yucca plant used to be in a pot but a few years back, I decided to transplant it into a border.  For most of the summer it gets completely enveloped by the buddleia bush which is no hardship because - let's face it - it's a pretty boring plant.  Imagine my surprise then, as I sipped my cup of tea, to make out this enormous flower spike that it had managed to produce without anyone noticing a thing?!

Of course, the buddleia bush had to be hacked back to reveal it in all its glory.  And when the flowers open up - it's going to be truly magnificent ...................     

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