Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Cooling off

How many dogs can you see? The dogs cooling off in the loch this afternoon. 

This morning I washed 3 sheepskins in preparation for tanning. They have now been pickled. Then husband and I gathered in all the weaned lambs and dosed any with dirty tails and dealt with any lameness, then we chose 6 calm suffolk candidates that will remain on the farm as training sheep. I have decided on a plan as the suffolk lambs are always so calm compared to other breeds they are better for sheepdog training. So each year we will draw off half a dozen of the smallest leanest suffolks and use them for training sheep for a year then sell them at the following years sale and repeat. The training field is quite a distance from the shed and we lack a wee trailer so all 6 lambs were transported in the cab of the buggy to the field. And of course I did not have a camera or phone to capture this moment of hilarity. Best bit was when one saw its friend out the window and baaaad to it! At one stage I wasnt sure if it was husband or the lambs driving but we all made it there!

Next step was to take Cal to the sheep for his first sheepdog training session with me in control. He was very good and listened well. I kept it quite short as it was hot for running around for dog and lambs. He came away from the sheep so nicely too (one of his big problems is the thatll do!) well not today!

18c sunshine all day

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