Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A legend in their own lunchtime

The Girl Racer came over to Leatherhead and we escaped the office and went for a cheap and cheerful Italian. Excellent pizza and salad, nice walk on yet another beautiful sunny day. And I got this gorgeous shot of my lovely ladies.

Mr K came over to collect a desk we were donating for his new home this evening. He loved it to bits and I felt so pleased to be paying it forward. He has been separated from his wife and child for a few weeks and they return from Far Far Away on Sunday. I know how lovely that feels.

After the gym we sat eating in the garden, all five of us, as the sun dropped away and left us in cool sweet summer darkness. The Girl Racer had made a beautiful apple streusel cake. We laughed and talked and I felt as simply happy as a man could ever want to be. 

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