As many of you will know, we love our red poppies, a reminder of Mr. HCB’s mother, but I was thrilled this morning when wandering round the garden - fully dressed and not in my pink robe for a change - when I saw this beautiful pink poppy - it was quite unexpected, so had to be my blip for today.

I had been taking photographs of lots of the flowers, but then remembered an article I read yesterday that talked about putting your camera on Manual and “having a go”.  So I did and was pleased with the result.  I still have a lot to learn and it may not always be my preferred setting, but at least I have started.

I was also pleased to see a little bonus on the poppy - Mr. HCB had a quick look in his “Complete British Wildlife” book before he went off to cricket, and thinks this is a drone fly, spryness ribesii, and according to the blurb, “An extremely common hover-fly, widespread in Britain and Ireland, found in gardens…..and visits flowers to feed on nectar.”

We shall be watching this poppy carefully and Mr. HCB says he will collect the seed so hopefully we will have more pink ones next year.  

As this is the last day of cricket until the end of September, I have mentioned to Mr. HCB that perhaps I can be Numero Uno for the next few weeks - his response “There’s a lot to do in the garden” - so I guess that’s me relegated to Numero Duo!

Expect the unexpected,
     Believe in the unbelievable, and
          Achieve the unachievable.

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