
Golf in the morning (poor but we won), curry making in the afternoon (not great but OK), our final Art Late tour in the evening (a mixed bag but in the end disappointing).
The tour started with the Joseph Beuys exhibition at MoMA and I quite liked that, then on to the Rust Garden outside what will be the new Printmakers Workshop if they ever raise the funds. That's a nice idea but probably not at its best on a cold, grey, misty evening! Then on to Jupiter Artland which I was really looking forward to but the haar closed in so we didn't actually get to see the new sculptures. And the band had had to cancel with their replacement not really being up to the mark. Again, maybe OK if it hadn't been cold and damp but we needed some jigging to warm us up and instead got sweet, introspective ballads. (I'm being nice there.)
Never mind, we stopped off for a very pleasant pint in Mathers on the way home. Redemption.

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