Pre Birthday
Evening all,
How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - Satchel Paige
Everyone lies about their age....when we're younger, we want to be older......... when we're older, we want to be younger......when we're older still, asking about age could have serious repurcussions on your health......till you reach an age where you just dont care at all ;0)
Age is but a number to myself, I dont care about some its not a topic of conversation to enter into......for others, a serious dose of antidepressants are required just to contemplate the thought!!! ;0)
Mamma G's age has remained constant for many years......we know not to question this fact to any degree........the funny thing is, her Mum still believes she's that age lol !!!!! ;0)
Handsome Boy is Eleven tomorrow........two years till he's a teenager, as he loves to remind me......thats when my troubles begin he says too......trouble is, he become Pappa G, you HAD to be Teen G.................... I've been there, done that, made the excuses, tried my bring it on son !!!! ;0)
Big Big Day's hoping for a change in the weather!! ;0)
Have a great evening ;0)
TTFN ;0)
ps. if I've not caught up on your blip, I will shortly........not commented, never forgotten though....!! ;0)
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