Post-rugby snack

Second session at Rugby Tots today.  Again, CyclopsJnr threw himself right into it with lots of enthusiasm.  It was a bit harder this week as some bits were a little advanced for him (counting, colours) but it is pretty relaxed and he was able to join in fine by copying the coach and the bigger boys.  Some other bits of it he had obviously remembered from last week.

Afterwards he was absolutely shattered, it is very clearly a physically and mentally stimulating activity for him.  Brilliant.

We came home and I said he could have any snack he liked as he'd been such a good boy.  He chose a bowl of peas.

After a big nap we went to the park in the afternoon and he did some really good climbing - little films here and here.

I looked on the interwebs for how to analyse our 27 month development questionnaire, and CyclopsJnr's scores were broadly on target (hurray for my tiny preemie!) but he got the highest score possible for gross motor skills.  I say this not out of smugness but just that he is obviously a naturally physical child.

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