and through the wire...

By hesscat

Day Trippers, Yeah

Our first full day in San Francisco was spent on a hop on/off bus catching some of the city. On top of Ms H's list today was a visit to City Lights Book shop where apparently Jack Kerouac and others Beat poets hung out. It was indeed a lovely intersting book shop and the girls bought some books... the main blip is looking out its window.

The extras are of a cable car coming up a hill with Alcatraz in the background and the windiest street ever. This street is a bit crazy, I don't know how anyone lives in it, with tourists mingling at the top and bottom and all the way down both sides, not to mention the queue of cars waiting to drive down it. It's just a street! Aye we walked down it this time but we did drive down it 24 years ago, tut tut...

After dinner in Sam Wo's, a Chinatown restaurant open since 1912 which once had the famous word's rudest waiter, we went back to the hotel for a swim and early kip.

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