Blasted Oak Contre Jour

Funny old day. The grands have been here but they've been out having tennis tuition then out to lunch with a friend who also has a grand with her. So one way or another I haven't seen a great deal of them. 

I came back from Kent with a new amplifier, not new but a rather nice little valve amp, one that I've coveted for a long time. The only thing that let it down was a worn carrying handle so I got on to the manufacturer and had a new one sent. Fitting it should have been no more than a few minutes work but a few of the captive nuts dropped away when I undid the handle and I ended up having to dismantle the whole amplifier to get the job done properly. That's alright, it's good to know it's all sorted, looking smart and sounding very good.

I went out a bit before sunset with the sun bright and low. This field is a bit of a favourite with this lovely lightning tree which looks good in all sorts of conditions.

Have good weekend wn't you.

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