Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Derwent Water

Had a wonderful walk late afternoon at Derwent Water.  Thought I'd blip a panoramic shot taken on my phone for a change.  Walked along the lake nr Manesty and then back to the car along Cat  Bells terrace which gives great views of Skiddaw, Blencathra and Walla Crag.  

Met a guy who was looking at his phone and he asked me about a path he was trying to find, I think he was looking for Cat  Bells terrace where I was heading.  He was using something like google earth which showed a faint like path which he was trying to find, but I couldn't get my head around it, much prefer to look at an os map, and it made me wonder if all these people who need rescuing are using this type of app!  You can't beat an os map.  Oh and this guy asked me if there were blueberries on top of Cat Bells!!  That has to be one of the strangest things I've been asked :)

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