
My time in France came to an end this morning as I flew back to the UK. The blip is the queue for boarding the morning flight - I liked the strong shadows cast on the tarmac It's complicated as the Choir Tour dates were fixed after I had booked my week in Spain but, being me, I worked out I could do almost all the tour if I returned a day early - this meant missing the last concert but I expect they managed without me!  Friends dropped me at Beziers airport (very small - one-plane-at-a-time airport) for the flight to Luton and I have to admit that, despite the wretched fanfare as we landed, Ryanair did a good job.

I had booked a taxi home and managed a spot of lunch plus loading the washing machine before driving to Papworth hospital (about an hour plus a bit) to visit my mother.  Next week we will know whether she will have any surgery or not.  Then home and re-packing the suitcase ready for tomorrow's journey to Spain.  It's been a busy week and I am looking forward to time with four of the grandchildren and daughter number two - it may not be peaceful but it will be less mental effort.  I am only taking my compact camera with me - getting twitchy about that but I really can't lug all the heavy kit around for this trip!

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