Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr


Ah'm feeling kind o' good
In fact, ah'm almost close t' tears
'Cause summat's just now 'appened
As 'asn't 'appened for sixty years

You see them there equestrianators
As rides them great big 'orses
Have proved them sel's as champions
Of those Olympic jumping courses

They's taken on t' very best
T' best in all t' world
An o'er all the lot o' them
It's their great flag as is unfurled

Our team as taken a good few knocks
But still we gave 'em 'eck
Even though there's more 'n one
As 'as broken his damn fool neck

But seein' 'em on that there podium
Each wi' medal clutched in their 'and
Ay well! It sure made me think
"Well don't they look reet grand"

Terry Rhiannyr
August, 2012

What a day! Struggling like mad to get the beginnings of the next year's development schedule started ready to email out to the attendees of our User's Group meeting in a few weeks time. Then starts the update/ re-issue sequence until the final discussion document is sorted ready for the meeting itself! Hard work! Give me a week's solid programming in place of a day organising the meeting - or indeed the meeting itself lol! I much prefer to be doing summat than be talking about it but these things have to be done.

Thankful for the Olympic show jumping for a blessed relief this afternoon after the bulk of he work was done! What a competition! The prospect of the jump off was agony but the GB team - and especially Nick Skelton - was utterly amazing!

Useful having twin monitors on the pc :D

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